“You are here to serve a role that’s uniquely yours. You have a mark to make.
That happens only when you live authentically. Don’t let the world miss out on you.”
- Natasha Craig Durkins, Fiercely Joyful
That happens only when you live authentically. Don’t let the world miss out on you.”
- Natasha Craig Durkins, Fiercely Joyful
Break up with People Pleasing.
Hey, I'm Tash DurkinsAUTHOR, EXECUTIVE, SPEAKER, & COACHI wrote Fiercely Joyful: 11 Keys to Living Authentically & Creating a Life You Love, because it took me so many years to get here. I’ve gained a sense of joy and fulfillment that comes from me being uncompromisingly authentic. I’ve curated a life that I absolutely love in which I’m willing to take risks, try new things, fail, learn, grow and embrace all life has to offer. To be clear, here isn’t a place of perfection. There are things in my life that aren’t exactly what I want them to be (to name one, the need to wear Spanx.... but I digress). Despite that, I’m happy! I’m filled with joy and gratitude for the life that I have created. I only wish I had the knowledge, understanding, lessons learned, and courage to get to being Fiercely Joyful much sooner. So that’s why I wrote this book —I want to help you understand how good being AUTHENTICALLY YOU can feel and how it will help you create a life you absolutely love.
Embrace YOUR power and create the life YOU love
Being Fiercely Joyful is having the powerful feeling of happiness, freedom, fulfillment and peace that comes from choosing to be the version of you that aligns with your purpose. Not the version of you that others prefer but the one that is authentically YOU. That is what Fiercely Joyful: 11 Keys to Living Authentically & Creating a Life You Love is all about.
My hope is that, in reading this book, you will learn how and be inspired to be more of who you are meant to be: the best version of you, which is the whole version of you. I hope to instill in you the same sense of passion and excitement that I have for living authentically. Ultimately, I want you to see this book as a tool to help you become Fiercely Joyful.
We're all a unique work of art, meant to be appreciated, valued, and loved.
In this book, I will give you the keys to create your life’s collection which includes these pieces and more:
- Being Authentic - letting go of conformity and showing up as you personally and professionally. Period.
- Getting Connected - getting in touch with your intuition, listening to it and recognizing when to follow it.
- Using Your Voice - moving past the discomfort of a spotlight or worries about those who may judge you, speaking up anyway to share what you really think.
- Being Grateful - being grateful and employing an abundance mindset—viewing the world as having plenty of what you want and need--drives positivity.
- Embracing the Journey - learning to embrace the bumps along the way. Your challenges or traumas don’t define you, they grow you.
This book captivated me from beginning to end because it's so REAL. The author is transparent about things most of us would never talk about let alone put in a book. I'm inspired by her determination and unwavering compassion for others despite trauma. I'm convinced I can be more intentional about creating a life I love just like she did. "I know the next chapter because I know the author"
The author speaks through real story telling. Very effective tool to get me thinking about how I show up and what is truly important.
Fiercely Joyful should be required reading! The author’s vulnerability, humor, and passion about authenticity made it hard for me to put the book down. It’s both a guide and a collection of inspiring stories that give me hope for a life and a world full of joy and confirming it’s okay to be me!!!!
Fiercely Joyful by Tash Durkins | Website Design by E-Partners Marketing